Lakatamia Roundabout, Nicosia
Location: Lakatamia, Nicosia
Project Architect: Renos Constantinou
year: 2021, Completed
The project concerns the renovation of the roundabout “Melina Mercouri” in the Municipality of Lakatamia, which was selected for co-financing by the European Commission’s Climate Proofing Urban Municipalities – Life UrbanProof Programme.
It has an innovative design with environmentally friendly proposals, but also solutions to enhance the resilience of Municipalities to the effects of climate change.
As an alternative solution for dealing with problems, such as floods, cementation and generally sealing of soils, permeable (porous) materials have been used, in a way that blends harmoniously with the surrounding area. The porous floor, which is made
of recyclable materials in various colours functions as the “lung” that collects the rainwater and recycles it. A meteorological station is installed to check the current climate conditions.
The design utilizes the existing planting, while new trees, suitable for the surrounding area and the local climate have been planted.
The aim of the project was to promote environmental friendly methods and materials and to raise ecological awareness.